Monday, May 17, 2010

Too Smart!!

Morgan first off has been telling me no lately and saying "NOW" when she wants something. I guess because when she doesn't do something when we want her to we say now. So lately we've stressed to her that she doesn't tell us no and she definitely does not tell us now. Well when we tell her now she informs us that we are no longer allowed to say that word either. It's quite funny actually. She's such a stinker.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Well, for those of you who don't know Denny has accepted a pastorate in Seelyville, IN. We plan on moving down there very soon. We're very excited about starting the work there.

Morgan is getting better at talking everyday. She's sweet. I'll put more on here later but for now this is it.

Friday, March 20, 2009


Well today Grandma Wickham took Morgan to Build-A-Bear. Morgan had a blast! She was running around everywhere looking at everything, picking things up, wanting all kinds of different stuff. It was so cute! She couldn't make up her mind on anything.

Denny thought I would like this picture for scrapbooking and i do! This is there logo on the floor of the workshop. Everything was so cute there!

This was an employee filling Morgan's lamb with stuffing.

To allow the kids to be included in the stuffing process they have a pedal in the floor (similar to a sewing machine pedal) that the kids have to push to allow stuffing to come out of the machine. While the kids are pushing it the employee moves the animal around and gets the stuffing in the way it needs to be. After it has enough stuffing in it they tell the kids to let off the pedal.

This is Morgan picking the heart to put in her lamb. She picked a regular heart and then we bought one that you can feel a heartbeat on.

This is Morgan putting her heart in her lamb.

This is the employee sewing up her lamb.

This is a close up of the employee sewing up her lamb. While she was doing this she asked Morgan what her lambs name was, but at the time we weren't sure what we were going to name it. We got to thinking and the reason we picked the lamb in the first place was because it's almost Easter and we were thinking the Lamb of God, so we thought Lily of the Valley. So we named her lamb Lily.

This is Morgan with Lily after Lily was stuffed, but before she got her accessories.

Build-A-Bear (cont.)

This picture is Morgan putting her first accessory on her lamb while grandma is holding it.

This is Morgan with Lily after she's completly decked out. She's sporting a disney princess shirt, with a hot pink ruffled skirt, and a light pink hat.

Morgan loves purses and shoes! So this is her picking Lily's purse and shoes. You can't really see Lily's shoes, but they almost match Morgan's exactly. They're pink and white tennis shoes.

Poor baby! After going to Build-A-Bear Morgan was pooped! She came home showed her bear off to Mamaw, Papaw, and Uncle Jacob and then went to the bedroom and laid down for bed.

Another picture of my wiped out baby! Isn't she beautiful!

Monday, March 16, 2009

Morgan's 2nd B-day Party

Morgan loves Elmo so guess what that was her birthday theme. The pictures are a couple months old but I still wanted to post her 2nd birthday on here. She's kind of bossy so she made us let her put the candle in the cake so that's why it's shoved in sideways. She loves sweets so of course she's enjoying eating her cake. Everytime Morgan seen this Many Kisses Elmo at the store she blew kisses and wanted it so bad. We finally got it for her birthday and she was excited. She also loved uncle jacob's gift. It took her a while to get the hang of playing it though. Once she did though we've never heard the end of it. Morgan is a wonderful blessing that we are very thankful for especially since 2 years ago we didn't even know if she was going to live or die.